WE08 Nighttime Owls 1 | 2020 | $15
Date - Wednesday, 04/15/2020
Time - 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Time - 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Trip Leader(s): David Juliano
Total spaces for this event: 15
Total spaces remaining (not yet booked): 15
This event will meet at the Arcata Community Center, out front of the building. Festival headquarters will not be set up there quite yet so just look for others with binoculars.
Several locations will be searched in the hopes of a call or lucky glimpse of an owl. Some years this trip can hear quite a few species, but owls are highly unpredictable. Clear weather is best for night-time owling; rain cancels this trip. Dress warmly and wear comfortable shoes, although terrain is mostly flat. This car pool trip will not be able to stop for food or restrooms. There may be opportunity to use a spotting scope until dark. This event repeats as TH19.
Bookings are closed for this event.