SU79 Humboldt Bay Bird Observatory Banding 2 | 2017 $15
Time - 7:30 am - 11:30 am
Trip Leader(s): HBBO
Bird banding uses mist nets to capture small birds and place bands around their legs to enable continuous monitoring through re-capture. This trip will bring you up close in-the-hand views of migrant song birds. Expect narrow trails & possibly wet ground. Will not stop for food, restrooms are available at the site. With the focus on passerines a scope would not be necessary.
The Humboldt Bay Bird Observatory was established in 1982 by Dr. C. John Ralph and Dr. Carol Pearson Ralph. HBBO is adjacent to the Lanphere Dunes Unit of the Humboldt Bay NWR, bordered by Mad River Slough and coastal dune forest. This variety of habitats supports a high diversity of bird species. Bird populations and demographics have been monitored at the station continuously since 1982 making the HBBO one of the longest-running stations in the nation. Education and volunteer programs provide the opportunity to observe and learn about birds, bird monitoring, and research techniques. The banding program has grown into the Klamath Demographic Network that runs banding stations from southern Oregon through the Klamath and California north coast regions and south to Mendocino.
Bookings are closed for this event.