North Jetty Sea Birds

Date - Sunday, 09/27/2020
Time - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Trip Leader(s): Alexa DeJoannis

Total spaces for this event: 7

Total spaces remaining (not yet booked): 6

Meet at North Jetty parking area. Turn right at the trees at the end of the spit and park by the kiosk at the edge of the dunes. The North Spit provides a variety of birding spots out to the Jetty. Here the rocky shore specialists- Surfbird, Black Turnstone, and Wandering Tattler can be found. If you have a spotting scope, this is an excellent time to bring it along for scanning the ocean for seabirds for shearwaters, alcids, sea ducks, and gulls & terns. Woodley Island, Vance Road, and the Samoa Bridge can also be explored for mud-foraging shorebirds. Expect variable terrain, dress in layers, bring a reusable water bottle, lunch, and a spotting scope if you have one. Restrooms are available at the jetty.

Please bring a face covering and stay 6 feet from others.

About your trip leader:

Alexa DeJoannis started birding about ten years ago in the agricultural landscape of the Imperial Valley and the Salton Sea on a job censusing burrowing owls. She moved to Humboldt County to continue studying birds, and earned a master’s degree at HSU with a research project tracking winter molt in a banded population of snowy plovers. After all that time on the beach, she gained a wealth of knowledge about our seabirds and shorebirds of the North Coast. She has served as president of the Redwood Region Audubon Society and has been leading field trips for Godwit Days since 2016.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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