FR30 Shorebird Spectacle at the Marsh 2 | 2020 | $15
Time - 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Trip Leader(s): Kathryn Wendel
This event meets at the Arcata Community Center in the lobby.
Arriving around 3 hours before high tide, witness the spectacle as flocks of thousands of shorebirds become tens of thousands, and then form a huge milling swarm as the last of the mudflats by the old wharf footing get covered. North Humboldt Bay is a shorebird staging site clearly of hemispherical significance. The birds are colorful, are sexually charged, and are flying in an energetic manner not seen in fall or winter, plus they often give snatches of summer “song” and other utterances seldom heard at other times. The number of birds on the move is staggering and can be experienced daily during this northward spring migration push. Shorebird species expected include: Western and Least Sandpiper, Dunlin, Marbled Godwit, Willet, dowitchers, Black-bellied Plover and American Avocet. You may want to bring a sack lunch, there are picnic tables and benches available. Bring a spotting scope if you have one. There will be a restroom available.
Bookings are closed for this event.