FR31 Hikshari’ Trail & Eureka Channel 2 | 2018 | $10
Time - 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Trip Leader(s): Ralph Bucher
Join Ralph Bucher, RRAS board member, and regular leader of the society’s third Sunday field trip to this area. After carpooling from the Community Center, we will start at the Del Norte Street Fishing Pier, which never disappoints, the muddy channel gives close up views of shorebirds and gulls, together with loons and grebes out on the bay. After this, a bit further along the Eureka Waterfront, is the City’s new Hikshari’ trail. Here trail improvements within the Elk River Wildlife Area have made this locale a popular spot these days. Again, shorebirds up close and other ducks, cormorants, gulls and grebes out on the water. Along the willow lined disabled access trail adjacent to the banks of the Elk River estuary hopefully a flock of chickadees, warblers and other songbirds will be encountered. Thrushes, more ducks, Marsh Wren, and perhaps a Virginia Rail call from the developed wetlands beside the Eureka Wastewater Treatment Plant can be expected. The maintained trail, easy walking and close views of the birds make this a great place for urban birdwatching.
Bookings are closed for this event.