FR28 Trinidad Seabirds – NEW | 2020 | $20

Date - Friday, 04/17/2020
Time - 9:15 am - 3:00 pm

Trip Leader(s): Gary Bloomfield

Total spaces for this event: 10

Total spaces remaining (not yet booked): 7

This event meets at the Arcata Community Center in the lobby.

The spectacularly picturesue Trinidad area is known for its scenery but the seabirding here is also spectacular! Thousands of Common Murres nest on offshore rocks, Pigeon Guillemots bob and call from the water along with scoters, loons, grebes and Marbled Murrelets. Sometimes one can also see passerines like Canada Jays and Red Crossbills in the forested habitats adjacent to the oceanfront. Easy walking. Scopes are highly recommended. Restrooms are available at Trinidad Pier. Bring a reusable water bottle and a lunch.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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