FR22 Conifers and Birds of the Klamath Mountains | 2018 | Sold out |$40
Time - 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Trip Leader(s): Michael Kauffmann
Michael Kauffmann, author of Conifer Country, Conifers of the Pacific Slope, and Field Guide to Manzanitas, will lead an exploration into the Klamath Mountains, home to one of the most species-rich temperate coniferous forests on Earth. The trip will be centered along South Fork Mountain where, due to its proximity to the Pacific Ocean and complex soils, fosters complex plant associations — including over half of all the plant families in California. The group will explore the mutualistic relationships between birds and conifers and search out regionally exceptional plant and bird species in the Klamath Mountains. Highlights could include Cassin’s vireo, Wilson’s warbler, red-breasted sapsucker, Bewick’s wren, and Townsend’s solitaire. Bring lunch and something to drink. [NOTE: Trip price includes your choice of one of Michael’s books.]
This event is fully booked.