FR24 Stone Lagoon Kayak Tour 1 | 2017
Time - 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Trip Leader(s): Kayak Zak's
THIS EVENT MEETS AT THE STONE LAGOON VISITOR CENTER (30 MILES NORTH OF ARCATA) AT START TIME, SEE MAP IN REGISTRATION MATERIALS IF YOU SIGN UP FOR THIS EVENT. This event is weather dependent, please be sure we have a phone number or e-mail we can reach you in case of cancelation. Stone Lagoon nestles in the heart of Humboldt Lagoons State Park and borders Redwood National Park. This is an enclosed body of brackish water fed by Mac Donald Creek and is an important estuary for migratory shore birds. On the south end at MacDonald Creek expect to see wading birds, dabbling ducks, marsh wrens and raptors. There are two double-breasted cormorant rookeries along the lagoon and belted kingfisher nests in the sandstone. We will take a walking break (1/4 mile) at the primitive campsite on the west side to look for songbirds and woodpeckers. This is where we will find several enormous old-growth sitka spruce and other native plants and fungi. Another break will be held on the sand-spit to look for marine mammals and coastal shorebirds (1/4 mile walk). This lagoon shares a 1-½ mile sand spit with the ocean and is 4-1/2 miles to circumnavigate. Keep your eyes open all along the lagoon for river otters and Roosevelt Elk.
The trips are appropriate for beginners and all ages. The kayaks are stable sponson-hulled sit-on-tops, both one-person and tandems. Kayak Zak’s will also provide wetsuits, booties, splash jackets and life jackets. We will include a short kayak lesson before launching. Restrooms are available at launch site and at campground.
Participants should bring a fleece jacket, hat, snacks, drinking water, waterproof binoculars, waterproof camera and sunscreen. You should wear a bathing suit and thin synthetic shirt (rash guard) to wear under the sleeveless wetsuit. For specific inquiries call Kayak Zak’s 707 498-1130.
Bookings are closed for this event.