FR14 Cooper Gulch and Dead Mouse Marsh – SHORT TRIP | 2024 | $15 – SOLD OUT
Date - Friday, 04/19/2024
Time - 8:00 am - 11:00 am
Time - 8:00 am - 11:00 am
Trip Leader(s): Owen Sinkus & Cedric Von Briel
Total spaces for this event: 15
Total spaces remaining (not yet booked): 0
This short trip will visit one of the premier city parks in Eureka with excellent riparian habitat resulting in diverse birdlife. After covering Cooper Gulch the trip will head over for some marsh birding at Dead Mouse Marsh, a location that Godwit Days has never visited before! This past winter a Vermilion Flycatcher took up residence there! Restrooms are available at Cooper Gulch.
Bird species seen at both locations during April, view here.
MEETING LOCATION: Arcata Community Center Lobby
This event is fully booked.