Fall Preview – “Late Risers” Shorebirding Trip

Date - Sunday, 09/30/2018
Time - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Trip Leader(s): Rob Fowler

Total spaces for this event: 10

Total spaces remaining (not yet booked): 10

CLOSED for registration.

Meet at the Manila Community Center Parking lot at 9:50 a.m. (1611 Peninsula Dr. in Manila). We will finish the trip back at this
parking lot, too. Like birding but just don’t feel like getting up at “O’Dark-thirty” to get out on an early trip to look for
passerines or other “early birds”? Then sign up for this shorebirding trip that will focus on the most
popular areas around Humboldt Bay where various species of the Charadriiformes reside! From river
estuaries, to mudflats, to rocky shorelines, we will bird from the low- to high-tides looking focusing on
shorebird identification and behavior, while attempting to break the 20-shorebird-species mark! Rob
Fowler will lead this trip.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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